
Friday, March 31, 2023

End of an Era!

WCG Comics is moving! Or, rather, I’ve changed my business address.

After nearly 20 years at the same business address—palatial “Suite 403” that is actually a mailbox at a UPS Store (formerly Mail Boxes Etc.), conveniently located across the street from my residence—I've switched to a virtual mailbox service.

I initially got a business address at a time when people purchased my early small press comics via mail order. Since the emergence of the Internet, however, most of my business, including mail orders, has of course moved online and the need for a business mailbox has declined significantly. Nowadays, I receive only a few pieces of mail a month, mostly junk mail, which made the relatively high cost of a commercial mailbox a bit of an extravagance. I even considered simply using just my home address, but the thought of publicly posting and sharing my home address for business purposes still gave me pause.

After confirming that other local mailbox centers didn’t offer much of a price difference, I came across a virtual mailbox option—online services that partner with local brick and mortar mailbox businesses around the U.S. (and internationally) that provide users with a physical street address and dedicated “mailbox number” (and other services) for less than renting a physical mailbox. These services seem to target users and businesses that need a business address anyplace in the world, even if they are not local—mail can be managed, discarded and forwarded physically or by scanning within the user's online account. All told, I’ll be saving from $250 to $300 a year!

Ironically, my new business address is no longer within my city of residence and has the same zip code as my first Los Angeles business address I maintained from 1990–2003!

Sunday, March 26, 2023

WonderCon 2023

Had a great time at WonderCon, helping to staff the Comic Art Professional Society (CAPS) booth. The show has a chill, easygoing vibe that makes it a fun, accessible show (tickets could even still be purchased on site). Lots of new folks gave Rob Hanes Adventures a try and I got to see and catch up with friends, colleagues and longtime fans of the series, who caught up with issues.

My appearance at the show was made possible by CAPS (Comic Art Professional Society) and I shared the space with Eddie Angelini, David Moreno, and Darin Henry, who were fun booth mates. We spoke and promoted CAPS to whoever asked and ran a daily drawing for prizes made up of contributions from members, ranging from original sketches, comics, prints, Funko and action figures, and other tchotchkes and collectibles. The winners were all delighted by the overflowing gift bag.

Though I’ve attended as a regular attendee in the past, this was my first time exhibiting at WonderCon at the Anaheim Convention Center. Being a smaller venue, I appreciated how as an exhibitor it was easy to access the hall and bring in items for the boot—in fact, some exhibitors literally drove their vehicles and U-Hauls into the hall, via the back door entrances, so that they could unload inside, many at their actual booth.

It was fun to also see a bunch of friends and longtime fans of my series. A highlight was meeting Mark Evanier, one of the founding members of CAPS, who was surprised to see his name on the banner and who graciously agreed to a photo op with me!

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I religiously followed GoogleMaps’ instructions to get me to and from the convention center. Out of the 8 total trips either to or from the convention center, I took the exact same route only twice!

Now back to the grindstone!

Below are a few photos from the show—visit the full WonderCon photogallery.

New Rockstars YouTube channel panel

New Rockstars YouTube channel panel

With Mark Evanier

Monday, March 13, 2023

See you at WonderCon 2023!

I'm going to Anaheim!

I'll be at the 2023 WonderCon, March 24–26, at the Anaheim Convention Center, helping to staff the CAPS (Comic Art Professional Society) booth (#2280). Come by and say hi, and pick up the latest trade paperback and issues!