Though the design has evolved over the years, a slider with multiple banner images at the top of the site has always been a prominent element It provided dynamic animation to the landing page and was an efficient way to use the top real estate on the front page for multiple up to date announcements, news, new products, etc.
I've recently looked into updating the site for awhile, to align it more with modern website design principles and trends, particularly in the use of fluid pages with more boxed featured content and bold "hero" images, etc. To date, however, I haven't found a satisfactory WordPress template theme that meets all my needs. (The site currently uses the MH Magazine theme.)
However, in an effort to move more towards a "content box" design popular in modern website design, I recently replaced the longtime image slider at top with a series of boxed content that takes the same space and fills the same goal as the sliding image by offering multipe important links and messages at the top—but without having to scroll through or wait for a new image to appear. However, in order to retain some dynamic sliding images at the top, the first box—essentially a welcome to the website and the series—features a sliding carousel of images. To offset these smaller images, I also expanded the size of the top banner, making it more of a "hero image."
The new design also fulfills recent changes to promote purchases more by more prominently featuring buy links at the site, making news and other items secondary.
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